Gender Equality
Gender equality is just beyond a fundamental human right; it is a foundation for building peaceful, prosperous, and resilient societies. It is a key aspect of conflict analysis and transformation. The basic organizational guiding principles of ACT will be entrenched on this basic premise.
Undertake gender analysis of violence and transition in Ethiopia. Any subsequent intervention of the Center and its strategic plan and priorities shall be gender-sensitive, and this process shall be guided by a well-informed decision based on evidence. Hence, the initial research and strategic planning of the Center involves a gender analysis component with the view of highlighting gender mainstreaming in transitional justice and conflict resolution.
The gender analysis component of actors mapping, transitional justice context analysis, and conflict sensitivity analysis will inform the Gender Policy of the Center, which is planned to be put in place during this phase of the program. The Gender Analysis will also culminate in an organizational-level Gender Action Plan that will be used to identify gender-related factors and risks and steer organizational actions in this area at a technical level.